Synopsis: Count Draculon (Adam Brooks) and his nazi vampire forces seek to take over Earth during the Hell Wars. A soldier (Matthew Kennedy) is killed attempting to fight the Count, then transformed into Manborg after his body is fitted with robotics. After Manborg becomes active in Mega-Death City, he meets with resistance fighters against Count Draculon. Justice (Conor Sweeney) is a gunfighter who resembles Billy Idol with an Australian accent who is joined by his sister Mina (Meredith Sweeney) and martial arts expert #1 Man (Ludwig Lee, voice-dubbed by Kyle Hebert).
maanantai 18. maaliskuuta 2013
Traileri: Manborg (2012)
Manborg. Eeppistä meininkiä pikkurahalla...
Synopsis: Count Draculon (Adam Brooks) and his nazi vampire forces seek to take over Earth during the Hell Wars. A soldier (Matthew Kennedy) is killed attempting to fight the Count, then transformed into Manborg after his body is fitted with robotics. After Manborg becomes active in Mega-Death City, he meets with resistance fighters against Count Draculon. Justice (Conor Sweeney) is a gunfighter who resembles Billy Idol with an Australian accent who is joined by his sister Mina (Meredith Sweeney) and martial arts expert #1 Man (Ludwig Lee, voice-dubbed by Kyle Hebert).
Synopsis: Count Draculon (Adam Brooks) and his nazi vampire forces seek to take over Earth during the Hell Wars. A soldier (Matthew Kennedy) is killed attempting to fight the Count, then transformed into Manborg after his body is fitted with robotics. After Manborg becomes active in Mega-Death City, he meets with resistance fighters against Count Draculon. Justice (Conor Sweeney) is a gunfighter who resembles Billy Idol with an Australian accent who is joined by his sister Mina (Meredith Sweeney) and martial arts expert #1 Man (Ludwig Lee, voice-dubbed by Kyle Hebert).
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4 kommenttia:
Tää ei nyt liity, mut tulin kertomaan, ett sain VIIMEIN katottua sen 51-leffan, minkä sulta sain. Se oli toistaalta hyvää viihdettä, mut vakavissaan katottuna aika paska. Jotain siinä oli, ett tuntu laadukkaammalta (?) ku SyFyn jutut ylensä. Ihan hoopoja oli kyl avaruusmiehet. :D Eli kiitos, sain siitä edes jotakin iloa. :D
No juu. Eihän sitä leffaa vakavasti pysty ottamaan millään. Eikä pidäkkään. Pölhöviihdettähän se enimmäkseen kuitenkin on. Tuosta poikkeuksellisesta laadukkuudesta voisin kommentoida vain sanomalla: Bruce Boxleitner. Eikä siitä sitten sen enempää :D
Ei mitään. Ole hyvä vaan :D
Normaalisti ei nämä itsetarkoitukselliset genrehalpikset sytytä, mutta trailerin komeus herätti kiinnostukseni...
Olihan siinä menoa ja meininkiä jos jonkinlaista juu :D
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